Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What Data Do I Use in my Classroom?

Like I said earlier, there is so much data at my fingertips...I go back to writing because it is such a strong feature of my classroom. I remember I used to do all different kinds of projects which involved elaborate cutting and pasting, painting, decoration, and so on and so on. After I while, I said why? The only thing these projects measure is how artistic my students can be. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that these type of projects, if given the right parameters, can be rewarding and enable the kids for success. But they need to be limited in the English classroom.

Data takes many forms...essays, grammar, content, style, syntax, etc...Students keep a writing portfolio in my class to see how their writing has improved over the course of the year and this has been successful in this aspect. This data enables me to adjust assignments accordingly, to meet individually with my students on their particular writing issues and I can create future assessments based on what they've had trouble with in the past.

Really this just scratches the surface of the data used in my classroom...test and quiz scores, informal writing, formal writing, personality of students, IEPs, 504s, parental influence...all of this data affects how I go about what I do in the classroom. The data is overwhelming, and, in reality, underused.

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